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Product Review 1: Drinking Water & Water Purification Equipment

-The advantages (& delights) of home water purifiers: E.T. Petersen Co. features Everpure Water Purification Product Line – Oct. 1998

Westfield — The Eardly T. Petersen Company, located at 224 Elmer St. in Westfield, reminds consumers as to the considerable advantages of using home Point-of-Use (POU) Drinking Water Systems (DWS).

“Environmental issues are a leading concern today,” says Keith Petersen of The E.T. Petersen Company. “We have seen a very strong demand in latter years for any better quality product lines that help solve these problems.”

Petersen continues, “We carry Everpure Drinking Water Systems. Everpure has been providing sparkling clear drinking water to millions of people since 1933. A subsidiary of Culligan Intenational, they use a revolutionary precoat water filter, a technology still recognized as the best form of water filtration. Everpure equipment is 100% certified by NSF to the highest standards, filters to .5 microns and carries a life-time warranty. While Everpure has systems from above-the-counter to whole-house water treatment, the most popular units — POU — will install under the sink in 30 – 45 minutes. Thus, the average homeowner can do it; or, it can be done through us. You’ve probably already drunk an Everpure-filtered product, as Everpure counts among their client list such customers as Coca-Cola, McDonald’s, Pepsi-Cola, Wendy’s, General Foods, US Navy, Starbuck’s Coffee, Harrahs, Bennigans, Tropicana and many others.”

Petersen adds, “There is a concern over what is in the water by the time it reaches the house. The municipal water supplier treats the water at the treatment plant; but, along the way it is subject to picking up dirt and rust, lead, VOCs, mold and algae, cryptosporidium cysts (a particular concern for infants and the immune-compromised), chlorine byproducts, odors, poor taste and much else. Very simply, the water at the tap is anything but clear and sparkling! An Everpure Water Treatment System will provide clean, clear, fresh water — wait `til you taste the coffee and tea! A lot of people drink bottled water; but, the yearly savings over bottled water with a good, home DWS can easily average $200 – $400. Plus, the water is right there any time you want it — no bottles hauled into the house.

The Eardly T. Petersen Co. welcomes inquiries about water purification and other environmental needs. Contact them at 908-232-5723 or visit their internet site at

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