Our physical address is:
224 Elmer St., Westfield, NJ 07090 USA.
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Store Hours:
Weekdays: 9:00am – 5:30pm
Thursday: 9:00am-9:00pm
Sunday, Wednesday: Closed
Internet: 24/7
If you are going to visit us in person and you happen to get lost, note that our local phone number is 908-232-5723. We are always happy to provide personalized directions if you call us at the above number! Elmer Street is a two-block long street that connects at one end to Broad Street and at the other end to North Ave. (Rt. 28 in Westfield). The Westfield Diner is on the corner of Elmer Street and North Ave. and at the Broad Street end Elmer Street lets out directly across from the large, white Presbyterian Church on the hill. Elmer Street is one block removed from – and, parallel to – Central Ave. in Westfield.
From the North:
The most direct route is to take the NJ Garden State Parkway south to exit 135. Upon coming down the exit ramp bear right/straight. This will immediately place you onto Central Ave. in Clark, NJ. Continue straight on Central Ave.(about a mile) and, after you have come into Westfield, you will go under a railroad overpass and immediately come to a stoplight. This is North Ave. (Rt. 28) in Westfield. Go right onto North Ave. and immediately make the first left onto Elmer St. Our facility is the third property on the left – we have our own, off-the-street parking. Total travel time from the Parkway exit to our building is about 8 minutes.
From the South:
The most direct route is to take the NJ Garden State Parkway north to exit 135. Upon coming down the ramp bear to the left. This will feed you into the Circle – proceed 3/4 of the way around the circle (you will go under the Parkway) and continue onto Central Ave. Follow the remainder of the above directions under “From the North”.
From NYC & the East:
From NYC:
Take the Lincoln Tunnel at midtown to the NJ Turnpike east. Exit onto Rt. 22 east near Newark Airport and continue east approximately 10 miles until, several minutes after passing by Bob’s Store (on the right) in Springfield, you get to the New Providence Rd. exit in Mountainside. Turn right onto the exit and make the jughandle to go across Rt. 22. Proceed up New Providence Rd. until the first stoplight at Mountain Ave.. There is a gas station on the opposite corner. Continue straight (across Mountain Ave.) – the name of New Providence Rd. will change to Woodland Ave. You are now in Westfield. Continue a minute or two until you deadend on Broad St. Go right onto Broad St. and proceed about two minutes until you approach the center of town. As soon as you fully pass by the Municipal buildings and Mindowaskin Lake on the right hand make the next, immediate left onto Elmer St. (if you pass the Rialto Movie theater you have just gone by Elmer St.). Our facility is half-way down the second block on the right. We have our own, off-the-street parking in front of the building. Total travel time from the Lincoln Tunnel to our store is about 40 minutes.
From one of the other NY Boroughs: such as Staten Island, Queens or Brooklyn, take Rt. 278 in Staten Island to the Goethals Bridge across to NJ. Continue straight upon descending off the bridge [NOTE: alternate directions are to bear right upon descending off the bridge and follow the signs to Bayway Ave./Elmora Ave. in Elizabeth. Take Elmora Ave. to Westfield Ave. (White Castle on left corner) and turn left onto Westfield Ave. (Rt. 28). Continue about 15 – 18 minutes until you enter Westfield. Go past Norris Chevrolet on the right, and two blocks up make right turn onto Elmer St.] which is the continuation of Rt. 278. Proceed about 1.5 miles and feed directly into Rts. 1& 9 South (the Bayway Refinery is on the left and BJs is on the right). Continue about 1 mile and turn right onto Wood Ave. (just past the Swan Motel) in Linden. Proceed on Wood Ave. (go across St. Georges Ave.) & you will reach a Dunkin’ Donuts on the right (you will have passed a Dunkin’ Donuts on the left in the downtown Linden shopping district – the latter Dunkin’ Donuts is the 2nd Dunkin’ Donuts). Continue straight through the stoplight at that Dunkin’ Donuts & you will enter a residential area. You will deadend at a stopsign (large billboard sign will be on lefthand side). Make a dogleg across the street (i.e., continue “straight”) onto Myrtle Ave. in Cranford. Continue on Myrtle Ave. a minute or so until you deadend on Centennial Ave. Turn right onto Centennial Ave. & continue 2 minutes until you dead end on North Ave. (Rt. 28). Turn left (west) on North Ave. & proceed into Westfield. Go past RedCom on right & two blocks
farther up make a right onto Elmer St. We are the third property on the left and provide our own, off-the-street parking. Travel time from Goethals Bridge to our store is about 18 -20 minutes.
From the West:
Local travellers: Simply head east on Rt. 28 (North Ave.), go by the RR station in Westfield, cross over Central Ave. (Coldwell Banker Realtors on corner) and make next left onto Elmer St. We are the third property on the left, and have our own, off-the-street parking.
If using Rt. 22 from the West: Head east on 22 and follow the directions below commencing with the phrase “strip mall”.
If using 78 from the West: Exit at the Scotch Plains exit (#41) and, at the bottom of the ramp, go left (Drift Rd.). Within a minute you will deadend on Plainfield Ave. – go right. Continue on Plainfield Ave. across Valley Rd. – Plainfield Ave.’s name changes to Bonnie Burn Rd. Go past Johnston Dr. (on your right) and, at the next stoplight, go right and continue up the overpass (up over Rt. 22) and, at the bottom of the ramp, turn left onto Park Ave. Within one block you will feed onto Rt. 22 east. Continue east for about two minutes and go past the strip mall on your eastbound side of the highway and, approximately one mile further exit right off of Rt. 22 onto Lawrence Ave in Westfield. Proceed on Lawrence Ave until it ends – it will feed directly into Mountain Ave. Proceed one block on Mountain Ave. and Mountain Ave. deadends on Broad St. Go right and immediately make next left onto Central Ave. Proceed one long block and make first left onto Lenox Ave. (Westfield Post Office is on the corner). Proceed one block and you will arrive at Elmer St. stopsign. Turn right and we are halfway down the block on the right hand side – we have our own, off-the-street parking in front of our building. Total travel time from exiting off of Rt. 78 to our store – approximately 13 minutes.
The above directions are extremely accurate. However, call us (or use the Google Map above; or, use your own GPS) – if you have further questions.